Sesqui Centenary
At 06:00 am Saturday 19th September 2015, a minibus of Worthy Knights and their wives from Agnus Dei Conclave 220. Meeting at Southport Masonic Hall, set off to Lincoln Cathedral for the celebration of the Red Cross of Constantine Sesqui Centenary. Traffic was light on the motorways, due to the fact that all sane people were still tucked up in bed. We arrived in Lincoln for 9am. The Sun was beaming down on Lincoln and the Cathedral looked all the more splendid. We knew we were in good time as the service was due to start at 11am.
At 10am, after taking refreshments, the Agnus Dei group entered the Cathedral, to see that there were over a 1000 people already there, reserving their seats. The MWS Iain Brown and the Agnus Dei contingent, spotted our Intendant General R Walker and Deputy Intendant General Fred Hargreaves near the front of the congregation. They set off to say their Hello’s and after doing so, noticed a group of chairs to the side of all the action, which the other 1000 attendees had clearly not spotted. So they availed themselves of those chairs, with a great view of all the comings and goings. The Choir then sang from their repertoire prior to the service, entertaining the congregation with beautiful songs and hymns. The Service then commenced, the entourage was led by the Grand Sovereign Ill Kt Graham L. Flight. Psalms, Hymns and later, a sermon by the Dean of Lincoln concluding with the National Anthem, made for a lovely service.
A good number of Worthy Knights and their guests went for the formal Lunch at Lincoln showground, whilst others, including the Agnus Dei contingent, went for the informal tour of this wonderful city and a visit to the famous Mrs. Browns Pie shop in Steep Hill. Lincoln. They also visited a number of listed buildings, all of which happened to have a License to sell Intoxicants and finally their hotel, The Lincoln Hotel, literally across the road and overlooking the Cathedral. After refreshing themselves, the Agnus Dei contingent went for a fabulous Thai banquet. Each of the numerous courses, were even better than the one before. Later that evening, it was time to retire to our rooms and watch the Rugby highlights, before getting a few hours’ sleep. We all met first thing Sunday morning for a hearty breakfast. Another walk around the City then setting off home at lunchtime, in order to prepare ourselves for normality. This epitomised Red Cross of Constantine Masonry and this Conclave in particular.
Agnus Dei, meets at Duke Street Masonic Hall, Southport. The conclave has introduced a Fine dining menu at all its festive boards. (Never more than £20) we welcome visiting Knights from around the District and in particular, those Royal Arch Masons who have not yet had the foresight and wisdom to join this fantastic order.
We hope to see you all soon,
In Faith, Unity & Zeal.
Iain Brown. MWS

Agnus Dei. 220

Photographs Courtesy of Fred Hargreaves.